Thursday, October 22, 2009

Support Pepsi!

Last night, as I was...procrastinating and goofing around on the internet... I came across a rather disturbing website. It is a website rallying for the kind of support that makes me think we live in a nation of completely warped-minded people. It is a website instructing people to boycott PepsiCo for the sole reason that they support gay rights.

Now, although I am a very avid supporter of gay equality, I do understand that there are people with different views than me. I hate to be stereotypical, but these people tend to be religious and very strict about the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman. I am not bashing people with these beliefs. I understand where they are coming from and sometimes I have thought myself that they have a point about the marriage thing. I still wholeheartedly support gay marriage, but I kind of understand why some people don't.

However, I DO NOT see why people have such a problem with the gay lifestyle. They act as if simply being homosexual is immoral and should not be supported. It's almost like they truly believe that homosexuals choose to be homosexual and are trying to convert us heteros to the gay lifestyle. Silly, silly people.

Here are some (only some) of the ridiculous statements I found on the website against PepsiCo.

"AFA asked Pepsi to remain neutral in the culture war, but the company refused — choosing to support the homosexual activists. Pepsi has made no effort to hide their support for the homosexual agenda:"

Okay, this is the very first thing on the website, under a large header reading "Reasons for the boycott." They act as if Pepsi is being stubborn by "refusing" to "hide their support for the homosexual agenda." Like companies aren't allowed to support things, especially not something that everyone should support these days. Plus, gay agenda? They say it like gay people are on a mission for evil or something.

Moving right along.

"American Family Association asked PepsiCo to be neutral in the culture war and not support the homosexual agenda. PepsiCo refused. The company continues to give financial support to homosexual organizations. PepsiCo gave $500,000 to Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and another $500,000 to the Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). The total of $1,000,000 was used to help promote homosexuality in the workplace. HRC and PFLAG were major supporters of efforts to defeat Proposition 8 in California, which defined marriage as being between a man and a woman. HRC gave $2.3 million to the effort to defeat Prop 8."

Oh man, here we go. So the HRC and PFLAG promote homosexuality in the workplace, apparently. What exactly does that mean? Sounds to me like they're trying to turn everyone gay. Funny, that doesn't sound like something those campaigns are trying to acheive...

"PepsiCo requires all employees to attend sexual orientation and gender identity diversity training where they are taught to accept homosexuality."

Why, that's preposterous! How could PepsiCo do a thing like that? Try to promote equality? I mean, come on. Might as well throw out all your Pepsi now.

I'm going to go ahead and skip to my favorite one.

"PepsiCo, while promoting the homosexual agenda, refuses to give one penny to help those trapped in this destructive and unhealthy lifestyle."

Quick, we must rescue the gays from their chosen "destructive" lifestyles! They're ruining everyone else's lives, apparently!

Anyway, all sarcasm aside... I think I got the wrong message from the "Boycott PepsiCo" website. I have the sudden urge to go buy and drink as much Pepsi as I can, and I don't even drink soda. And when I do it's usally Coke. But yeah, Pepsi just got a bunch of points in my book.

If you want to see the other silly things the American Family Association has to say about Pepsi and Gay Rights:

Ta Ta for now.

Postscript. I said I got the "wrong" message from the website. What I mean by that is that I got their "unintended" message. By no means do I think this is the wrong message. :]