Friday, September 25, 2009

better days.

I'm feeling whimsical, so I thought I would post an update on stuff. Plus I'm bored.

As is probably evident from previous posts, I went through a slump a while back that lasted a few months. It actually started about a year ago and things continually got worse and worse until I was just plain depressed.

Anyway, enough of the depressing reminiscing. The point here is that I am no longer feeling so blue. In fact, life is great! Save for the fact that I'm screwed if I don't get into this physics class I'm crashing, things basically couldn't be better. I'm in the dorms again, this time with an awesome ocean view and a not insane living situation... And things have been running a lot more smoothly in general than what I'm used to.

Granted, the things of the past still carry on in my heart; some more than others. But all in all, I'm hanging in there just fine :] I'm keeping my hopes high that this year will continue to be a good one.

Oh, and since I'm here, I feel the need to share that I kinda sorta have a plan for my life. I am going to finally declare my major! Pre-bio! haha. I have been considering doing marine biology once I'm done with the pre-bio major.. my dad would be so proud! Plus, even if I don't end up being a marine biologist, I still have all those science classes that can provide me with a plethora of career options. Also, marine biology seems like it'd be a tad more interesting than biological sciences or something like that. Also, I plan to minor in Spanish if I have time. I really want to, I love Spanish!

As I sit here, eating my pudding cup, I can't help but realize I must be the biggest nerd in the world to be sitting in my room on a Friday night. What can I say, this is just how I do.

Well, ta ta for now :]

PS. Happy Birthday Donna! The big 2 0 !!!

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