Friday, February 26, 2010

Another Friday night in.

I'm sitting in my room, safe from the torrential storm going on outside. The weather in Santa Barbara has been so bipolar lately... but that's not the point.

Actually, I don't particularly have a point. I never do. I just felt like writing.

Let's see... well, today I had my last o-chem midterm! Also my last midterm in general, unless the bio lab quiz counts. I think that's more like a final than a midterm. The o-chem test went alright I think. I was pleasantly surprised, I went into the test without a doubt that I would bomb it. But it turns out I knew more than I thought I did. I'm just hoping it'll be enough for me to get a passing grade in the class. A B would be nice, I'm definitely not counting on an A. *sigh* I hate o-chem.

Aside from that, I have been very sleep deprived lately. I took a nice ~2 hour nap earlier this evening. It was heavenly. I'm looking forward to being able to sleep for more than 4 hours tonight. It shall be enjoyable.

I've been working out more regularly lately. It's good. I don't know why I never worked out last year. I went my whole life always being in shape. When I wasn't doing soccer, I was doing swim team. When I wasn't doing either, I was still very active. When I worked at a gym for two consecutive summers, I worked out nearly every day. Then I came to college and became incredibly lazy. I never worked out, and on top of that I ate a ton. Darn all you can eat dining commons. I mean, I'm not complaining, but I didn't know how to control myself. Thus, I gained the freshman 15. And then some. Well, I dunno how much I gained but I felt so chubby. And so lazy and so out of shape. And I didn't do anything about it. But now I am and it feels great. I feel good about myself again, and I feel healthier. I think I'm almost back to my pre-college self. Just trying to get my abs back to how they used to be. I'm getting there! :]

It's almost 11:11. Make a wish. Any second now... ... dum dee dum. Now!

Since I'm on a roll just talking about myself, I guess I'll mention that I've been thinking a lot about school lately. I had planned out my schedule for the rest of my college career, assuming I go ahead with the aquatic bio major and that all the classes offered are the same as this year, and came to the realization that I could potentially graduate a year early. That is, if I ditched the Spanish minor. It's a tempting idea, but now I'm thinking I might be better off taking the whole four years to graduate. I realized that with my pitiful grade in math 3C last year (C-), I can retake the class to get a better grade for my GPA. That would help my GPA soooo much, especially if I could get an A. I think I could, that class was just stupid. The prof didn't curve, so even though I got above average on everything, I got a C-. That means a lot of people failed. So anyway, if I took it with someone who curves, and since it would be the second time seeing the material, I'm pretty sure I could at least improve. But, if I were to do that, I don't know when I would take it. It does not fit into my planned schedule. And I don't know if my planned schedule will even work out. And I kinda sorta want to stick with the Spanish minor. So I dunno, we shall see. I'll just take things as they come.

Okie doke, I think I'm going to procure a snack and watch a movie. Cellular or Finding Graceland? That is the question. Decisions, decisions.

Ta ta.

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