Saturday, October 15, 2011

Susie's engaged!!

So this is old news now, and her name isn't really Susie but I called her Susie in a previous post, but my dear friend and boo for life Nicole is engaged! I'm mentioning this because I felt like not studying and this is probably the most exciting news since my last post.

Hmm, what else is new. I'm in my last year of my undergraduate career! It's crazy! Today at my internship I got to train one of the newbies on how to tag pictures of coral. Luckily I don't really have to do that anymore since I can do sample sorting, because tagging is probably the most boring thing in the world. But it was funny, she is in the exact same position as I was in when I started interning there exactly a year ago. 3rd year, taking almost all the same classes I was, same major.. it made me feel slightly nostalgic even though it was only a year ago.

Oh also, I'm not living in Isla Vista this year. I never thought I would say this, but I kinda miss living there. Even though it is ridiculously loud, and gross, and bug infested, and expensive, and did I mention loud? It was nice to be so close to everyone, I feel kind of far away. I don't live that far away but still, I can't just walk over to my friend's apartment. Living away from it is really nice though, it's super quiet and I have my own room and bathroom. Can't beat that. Plus I can always hang out in IV, it's not like I never go there. So overall I like the new living situation.

I can't think of anything else remotely interesting to say about my life, so I'm going to close with this: I cannot overemphasize how much I appreciate it when people show their appreciation for my efforts. It just shows me that it was worth it. Today someone thanked me for something I did, and it wasn't even like it required much effort on my end, but the person was so appreciative and it just made me happy. So yay for that.

Adios amigos.

Postscript. Thank YOU if you actually read this, I appreciate it. :)

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