Saturday, October 24, 2015

Peaceful Vegan

              I have been eating 100% vegan for over a week now.  I decided that I wanted to do a “vegan challenge,” and before I even started, I planned to continue the “challenge” indefinitely.  I had been thinking of going vegan for some time now, I just thought that it would be too hard for me.  Once I finally made the connection, and realized how much I did NOT want to contribute to the harming of any animals in any way, it was actually incredibly easy for me to give up eggs and dairy.  I know that a lot of people don’t understand why I would do such a thing.  People wonder how I could be healthy without eating any animal products.  I have my reasons, and I have done a lot of research.  It actually is possible to be completely healthy and thrive on a vegan diet, and I plan to do it.

              This is something that I am incredibly passionate about, even though it is just the beginning.  I consider myself an animal lover and an environmentalist.  I am passionate about recycling, conserving water, not throwing trash on the ground.  I love all living beings.  I finally feel at peace with myself and my beliefs.  I have felt better this past week than I have in a long time.  I have so much energy, and I am just happier.  I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything.  Sure, there are TONS of foods that I LOVED to eat before going vegan that I cannot eat now.  I don’t want to eat them anymore.  Anything that contains any animal product, I don’t want to eat.  I don’t want to contribute to the egg or dairy industries.  I don’t want to contribute to animals suffering.

              When I was younger, I didn’t understand why or how someone would go vegan.  I figured being a vegetarian was enough to save the animals.  Giving up all animal products was just extreme.  I’ve finally realized why and how people do it.  And I feel strongly enough about it that I can do it, too.  I thought about going into detail about why I don’t want to support the milk or egg industries anymore, but a quick Google search could probably tell you if you really want to know.  I will say that I think they are cruel and they involve harm to animals.  I’d also like to add that if you’re interested, you should check out the movie Cowspiracy.  It’s on Netflix J

              I do it for the animals, and the people.  I do it for everyone.  I feel at peace. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

overdue update - I got in!

For anyone who doesn't know yet, I finally got into nursing school!  I'm in my 6th week at Sac State, and I love it!  I have learned so much already and had various experiences with patients, including today which was my first time working with an RN in the hospital and taking care of a specific patient.  Other than that I have worked in a Skilled Nursing Facility with a CNA, worked with a Home Health RN in patients' homes, and worked with a CNA in the hospital.  I've also worked in the simulation lab.  I think this is the career for me.

I definitely feel that my past experiences have helped me a lot in this program.  I've had surgeries, I've been in the hospital, I've slept in that hospital bed (and got a horrible night's sleep), I've done the "try to do laps around the nurses station and barely get down the hall a few feet" thing.  I've dealt with horrible nausea and the most intense pain I've ever felt; I've also gotten to feel the relief of the potent Dilaudid, although there were times when the pain seemed unstoppable even with that.  I've experienced a lot of the side effects of surgery and medications that we've learned about.  I've had limited range of motion, being unable to even put on a T-shirt.  I've gone home with drains and had to measure my own output from them.  These experiences have helped when learning about this stuff in school, but they have also helped me relate to the people I am working with.  I have an ability to empathize with them in a way that I don't think is possible without having gone through a similar experience.  Everyone's experience is different, and of course I haven't gone through everything that my patients have gone through, but I can relate on a personal level to a lot of the things I've seen in the hospital.  I'm so grateful for my experiences as a patient, although it was difficult for me at the time.  I am hopeful that they will help me be the best nurse I can be someday.

Okay, that's all for now.  I have a habit of writing these when I actually have things to do.  I got midterms to study for!  Adios amigos :)