Saturday, October 24, 2015

Peaceful Vegan

              I have been eating 100% vegan for over a week now.  I decided that I wanted to do a “vegan challenge,” and before I even started, I planned to continue the “challenge” indefinitely.  I had been thinking of going vegan for some time now, I just thought that it would be too hard for me.  Once I finally made the connection, and realized how much I did NOT want to contribute to the harming of any animals in any way, it was actually incredibly easy for me to give up eggs and dairy.  I know that a lot of people don’t understand why I would do such a thing.  People wonder how I could be healthy without eating any animal products.  I have my reasons, and I have done a lot of research.  It actually is possible to be completely healthy and thrive on a vegan diet, and I plan to do it.

              This is something that I am incredibly passionate about, even though it is just the beginning.  I consider myself an animal lover and an environmentalist.  I am passionate about recycling, conserving water, not throwing trash on the ground.  I love all living beings.  I finally feel at peace with myself and my beliefs.  I have felt better this past week than I have in a long time.  I have so much energy, and I am just happier.  I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything.  Sure, there are TONS of foods that I LOVED to eat before going vegan that I cannot eat now.  I don’t want to eat them anymore.  Anything that contains any animal product, I don’t want to eat.  I don’t want to contribute to the egg or dairy industries.  I don’t want to contribute to animals suffering.

              When I was younger, I didn’t understand why or how someone would go vegan.  I figured being a vegetarian was enough to save the animals.  Giving up all animal products was just extreme.  I’ve finally realized why and how people do it.  And I feel strongly enough about it that I can do it, too.  I thought about going into detail about why I don’t want to support the milk or egg industries anymore, but a quick Google search could probably tell you if you really want to know.  I will say that I think they are cruel and they involve harm to animals.  I’d also like to add that if you’re interested, you should check out the movie Cowspiracy.  It’s on Netflix J

              I do it for the animals, and the people.  I do it for everyone.  I feel at peace. 

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