Saturday, February 21, 2009

A true art form.

I have so much to do in the next few days. A paper due Wednesday, a midterm on Wednesday and another one on Friday. I know I have to ace all of these examinations of my academic progress if I am going to procure my desired grades. And yet, here I am. Staring off into space, playing "Word Challenge" on Facebook, and now creating a new blog site. Why, you may ask, am I doing such worthless, time consuming activities instead of the important stuff?

The answer: because I am a procrastinator.

I always have been, and I'm starting to realize that I probably always will be. You'd think I would learn after years and years of stress-inducing dilly-dallying, but it appears I still haven't. The problem is, I always manage. I get my stuff done, and I get decent grades, so I figure - why do now what you can do later?

There's a flaw in the system, though. Although I manage to get by with my severe case of procrastination, I certainly could do better. If I had been working non-stop on my chemistry homework, I might have been done by now. Instead, I got frustrated after every problem that I didn't get right and resorted to other silly pass-times. Believe you me, I will get it done. But if I had it done by now, I could be working on my math homework or my women's studies paper. I just enjoy causing more problems for myself than are really necessary.

So, the moral of the story is, don't frolic in the fields when you should be doing something more productive.

"Procrastination is the thief of time." I forget who said this, but I think her name was Marie Dupont or something like that. Nevermind, I guess Edward Young said it. Anyways, I knew it was someone who said it.

-the Picasso of Procrastination

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