Saturday, April 24, 2010

things happen so unexpectedly.

Strange thing happened last night. I was thinking about Megan and how unexpected her death was, and how I wished I had had a longer talk with her the last time I saw her. I would have had I known it would be the last time. Then I started thinking about how there are a lot of people who I have lost touch with, or just haven't seen in a while. And for some reason, I thought of my friend Tyler who I hadn't seen in a while. I don't know him that well, but he was in my Spanish class Fall quarter and we were often partners for the little class exercises we did. And I saw him around the bio lab sometimes cuz he's a biopsych major, and I saw him at a party once haha. So I randomly went to his facebook to make sure all was well, and it turns's not.

There were TONS of encouraging comments from people, telling him to be strong and assuring him that he could get through this. From what I could decipher, it seems he had an accident and was in a coma for a while. He's awake now but still in intensive care. It was just so surreal seeing all these comments on his page.

The whole thing was so random. The fact that I randomly went to his page and that this had randomly happened so recently to him. I also can't help but see the irony, because I met Megan in my Spanish class in high school.

He's recovering nicely, though. He is pulling through it all and I know he will be just fine. But still, it reinforces that the unexpected happens all the time.

Carpe diem. I don't know if I spelled that right, but you understand.

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