Wednesday, October 13, 2010

An Update

I haven't written for a while, and I'm sure all two of my followers are wondering what's going on in my life. So here we go.

I love love love all my classes this quarter. Except Hydrology, which is filled with busy work like drawing grids and counting hundreds of squares haha. But I can deal with that since I get to take awesome classes like Aquatic Communities. The lab for that class is so cool, we get to do fun stuff like go to Mission Creek and perform competition experiments and stuff. I think next week we're going to the tide pools, yay! And I have no class on Fridays! Annnddd I just switched one of my shifts from Sunday to Tuesday night so now I have the entire weekend off! So even though my weekdays are incredibly long, I have a nice long break to relax/study haha.

Speaking of work, I'm working at the library still which is going well. That job is so relaxing, except when we get random rushes. But even then they don't last that long and it makes the time pass by more quickly.

I'm finally going to get SCUBA certified! This weekend actually! 2 more days until the first class!! Not that I've been counting them down or anything. I also joined the SCUBA club on campus and am hopefully going to go diving a lot this year. And next year and forever. Hehe. I wish I hadn't kept putting it off, but oh well. It's never too late! Diving definitely isn't cheap though, I've spent hundreds of dollars on equipment and that's not even all of it. I'm renting all the hard core stuff like tank and wetsuit for the class I'm taking, but if I go on regular boat trips and stuff I might have to invest in my own equipment. We shall see.

I feel like I'm just going on and on about myself, but I guess this is my blog so I can do whatever I want haha.

I started volunteering at the Ty Warner Sea Center, I'm hoping to get to work Friday mornings when all the school kids come in. That should be fun. I wandered around after I met with the volunteer coordinator person and the place is sooo cool! They have one of those awesome sun starfish or 11-armed-seastars or whatever they're called, I'm not really sure. But they're so cool. And my favorite animal, the octopus! And sharks! And sososo much more. And I get free membership to visit there or the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History whenever I want, and I think I get guest passes too. And discount at the gift shop! So exciting.

Hmm, what else. Well I guess I'm done rambling about myself for now.

Adios! <3

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