Tuesday, January 8, 2013

drains are annoying

I'll tell you, one drain is a lot better than two. Having no drains is what would be ideal. I have an appointment tomorrow with my plastic surgeon, but he said he wants to keep the drain in until it is producing less than 30 ml every 24 hours. Unfortunately, I'm still a little bit over 30, so I have a sad feeling that I won't have my drain removed tomorrow. We shall see. It's not that big of a deal, but the drain is starting to get uncomfortable and it's slightly annoying to always have it there.

 I am feeling a lot better, sometimes it seems remarkable that my surgery was only a week and a half ago. I was supposed to be practically on bed rest for the first two weeks, but I have been pretty active lately. I went out to dinner with Justin and Marissa tonight, I'm pretty sure Dr. Lin would have killed me if he saw me. Justin and I went to see Les Mis on Sunday, and my mom and I went to see This is 40 yesterday. This is probably why my drain output has been higher than I would like it to be. Lisa warned me of this, she said it would be frustrating because I would start to feel better and want to do things but would be unable to. At the time I thought, "nah, I don't think I'll have a problem being lazy and sitting on the couch for two weeks." She was right though, and I haven't been sitting around as much as I should. I'm afraid Dr. Lin will tell me to stop being so active - and I was going to ask him if I could start working out anytime soon. I have a feeling that's going to be a no.  

Right now I'm in my red silk jammies that my mom got me for Christmas, and I feel pretty sharp.  Having all these button up tops has been immensely helpful (thanks Mom, Mom-mom, and Donna for my Christmas presents).  I thought by now I would be able to lift my arms enough to put on a tee shirt, but I was wrong.  I learned that the hard way earlier today when I tried and failed.  I still can't lift my right arm much higher than shoulder height, so I don't know why I thought that was going to end well for me.  I'm getting a little too ambitious.

Anyway, that's all for now.  I'll let you all know how my appointment goes tomorrow, fingers crossed that I'll have my drain removed.

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