Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

It's 2013!  Which everyone knows, but still.  I haven't made any resolutions yet, maybe I'll get on that.  Haha.

So it's been 5 days since my surgery, and I'm feeling pretty good.  I've been really fortunate to have Justin here to take care of me.  He had to leave today :( but my family has been great too.  I've been getting lots of visitors which is nice, it's good to have interaction with the real world.  For the most part I've been sleeping/lying on the couch.

The first part of my recovery was really hard, but it's been getting better every day.  When I woke up from my surgery I was really nauseous and uncomfortable.  It was nothing like when I woke up from my lumpectomy.  I was also really really thirsty, I kept asking for water but they told me it would make my nausea worse, and gave me ice chips instead.  I wanted to see my family, but they told me I had to wait until I could be moved to my room, and that couldn't be done until they finished cleaning the room.  (Seemed weird to me, but I was really out of it so I just went along with it.)  I later found out that they told my parents that I couldn't be moved because I was too nauseous, and that they couldn't come see me for that reason.  That doesn't make sense, but it's okay, I finally got to see them after my ~hour in recovery.  As they were wheeling me to the elevator to go up to my room, I saw my Mom standing in the hallway waiting for me.  I was so happy to see her!  [Side note, I can feel my last pain pill really starting to kick in, so sorry if the rest of this blog isn't very eloquently written.]  Then after we got to my room, I saw my Dad, Jeffrey, Justin, and my snooksipoo Marissa!  At some point Chris and Zahra came and brought me flowers.  Justin stayed overnight with me, and even though I was in a double room with no other patient, they didn't let him sleep in the other bed.  The nurse said he had to leave it open in case someone else was admitted (and of course no one was, I was in the emptier section of the hospital).  They also didn't let him sleep in the same bed with me.  Poor guy ended up sleeping on the floor :(  It was a rough night, the nausea was really worse than the pain.  The next morning was better, I finally got upgraded to eating solid food and had eggs and potatoes (taters) for breakfast.

Later that morning I got discharged from the hospital and finally got to go home.  There have been a few rough patches - almost passing out, fevers, more nausea, stuff like that - but like I said, better every day.

Yesterday I finally got my hair washed and dried by the lovely Tina; she opened the salon just for me.  After that, I went and got one of my 2 drains removed.  That little trip was my first big outing since my return from the hospital, and it was exhausting!  I was starting to get pretty tired while sitting in the chair getting my hair done, and by the time I was in the waiting room at Kaiser I was falling asleep next to my mom.

Today has been my best day so far, I've been awake all day and haven't been in too much pain.  I am about ready to close my eyes and rest for a little bit, so that's all for now.  Happy New Year everyone! <3 p="p">

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