Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Squishy thoughts

Here I am, finally about at the end of my journey.  Well, depending on if I do nipple reconstruction, maybe one more minor procedure after this.  But tomorrow is the last time I'll be going under anesthesia, hopefully for a long time.  I cannot wait for it to all be over!

I'm not excited about getting up at 5:30, going under, having drains, and recovering, but once that is all over I am so excited to be rid of this expander and be in the squishy world.  I don't know what it's going to feel like to not have a softball in my chest anymore, but I've heard it just feels so much different (in a good way).  Everyone on the breast cancer forum has said that they can just feel the difference right after surgery, and it's so much better, even with the pain.  So yay.

The semester is over, and my classes went well; now I have a couple weeks until summer school starts.  School is never-ending for me, but I love it.  Hopefully I can finish my pre-reqs by July and start applying to nursing school.  So exciting!  I also have a trip to the castle of love in Napa for wine tasting in my near future, so another thing to look forward to.

Okie doke, I'm going to finish cleaning my room, take a shower, and plan out my outfit for tomorrow.  I'm thinking the black button-up that Mom-mom got me and my bright blue sweats.  Haha, so when the lady was talking to me on the phone about what to bring to surgery and stuff, she told me to wear a loose button-up shirt.  "You can borrow one from your dad, or husband, or brother... just find someone with a loose button up shirt to borrow."  I thought it was weird, especially since I already have plenty of loose button up shirts of my own, but also how she was giving me all these people I could ask.  And now apparently I'm supposed to have a husband.  Chuckle chuckle.

Okay nighty night everyone. <3 p="">

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