Saturday, May 11, 2013

Life is good

Busy, but good.  I was planning on doing my case study tonight since it's due on Monday, but I got distracted looking up stuff about breast implants and then I decided to write a blog instead.

So, school has been crazy.  Almost done with the semester, but this next week is going to be hectic with finals and assignments.  Once that's all over I'll be so relieved.  Then I'll have a few days to relax until my exchange surgery!  I am so excited!

I had my pre-op today, and it went really well.  I was getting a little nervous beforehand, like I didn't know exactly what I wanted and I had a zillion questions to ask.  But I asked them and I got all my answers and I'm feeling a lot better.  My PS and I are on the same page about size and projection and stuff, and I'm feeling comfortable and confident that it's going to end up looking good.

He said the surgery would probably last 2 1/2 to 3 hours, so around as long as my mastectomy (a little shorter I think, I'm not sure how long it was but I believe it was longer than 3 hours.)  But anyway... OH!  So I asked about the possibility of putting anti-nausea medicine in my IV this time, since I really suffered from the nausea last time, and he was saying they would do the same things as last time but that they would also put a "cocktail" of medications including anti nausea in my IV.  I was confused, because they hadn't done anything last time.  He said they were supposed to have given me an anti nausea pill and a patch thing for behind my ear, and they didn't do either. That would have probably made my life a heck of a lot easier after my mastectomy, because it really was not fun waking up in such an uncomfortable state.  I really hope it works and that this surgery goes smoothly.

It will probably be an outpatient procedure, but there is a chance that I'll have to stay overnight again.  I hope I don't, but if I do, my mom said she would stay with me :)

The bummer is, I'll have to have drains again.  This time on both sides since I'm getting the implant on the other side too.  I didn't think I was going to have to since they're not removing any tissue this time, but he said people drain a surprisingly high amount after this surgery, and I guess it's better to let it drain.  Sigh.  He said I'll have them both out within a week of the surgery, and if I don't it's because I'm doing too much.  So I'll be sure to sit on the couch and not do anything as much as possible to get those drains out ASAP.

In other news, I'm finally getting the hood of my car fixed.  (For those who don't know, it has been a lovely orange color for the past year or so, and the rest of my car is black.)  My super awesome pal Nick helped me sand it, prime it, and paint it today.  And by helped I mean he did all the work while I watched.  Well, I helped with the air hose sprayer thing.  And uh, moving the hood around.  And provided moral support, lol.  I left my hood there to dry overnight and then in the morning it shall be painted with a clear coat and then I'll have a nice pretty hood again!  For now my car looks even more ghetto with no hood haha.

In other other news, my brother Chris and sister in law Zahra are walking in the Susan G. Komen race for the cure tomorrow in honor of me :)  I feel so special.

In even more other news, my boo Nicole is finally in town!  I missed her so much, I think she should just stay here ;) It sucks that she's only here for a week, but any time I get to spend with her is a good time.

Okay, I need to go to bed.  I'm such a grandma.  Goodnight lovelies.  :)

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