Sunday, January 5, 2014

quick post - nursing is on my mind

I don't know why I had the sudden urge to post a blog, since my head is pounding from this annoying cold and I should really just go to bed.  But I have been working on my SF State nursing application and I feel the need to share my excitement/exhaustion.

Whew, this application process is a long one!  I have to apply to the university and also apply separately to the nursing program.  Both of the applications require many of the same things, such as test scores and transcripts, so I have been working on getting that all settled.  I took the GRE and scored well (in my opinion), except that my writing score was not as high as I was expecting or as high as I would have liked.  So I am retaking it on the 15th, with hopes of increasing the writing score without a drop in the other scores.  However, the nursing program that I'm applying to only really looks at writing, so it seems that if I don't score as high in the other categories it won't really matter.

I just wrote out two long and thought out emails to previous professors asking them to write a letter of recommendation for me.  I hope that they say yes and that I gave them enough time to write them (the application is due Feb 1!!!  Where has the time gone?).  Other than that I'm almost done with everything.  Transcripts are being sent to the university and the nursing program (so twice per transcript x 3 transcripts x about 15 bucks per transcript = nothing compared to the total price of applying to grad school... sigh, I really really hope I get in).

In other news, things are going pretty well.  Life is good.  I am happy to officially be done with pre-reqs (at least for the SF State program.. let's pray that I get in and won't have to deal with the possibility of having to apply elsewhere and possibly having to take an interpersonal communication class).  I am happy that it has been over a year since my mastectomy and that I feel pretty much back to normal.  I am scared at how fast time seems to be going by, but I am excited to see what 2014 brings.  Oh and random but I got the polar ft 60 heart rate monitor for Christmas (ahem, thanks Santa-Mom!) and it has really been forcing me to stay on track with exercising.  I even went to the gym yesterday despite just wanting to sleep and be lazy, and I definitely would not have gone if it had not been for my desire to get my stars and trophy for doing a good job for the week.  If you know what I'm talking about, you know what I'm talking about.  Otherwise I'm probably making no sense.

Okay my head is about to explode, so I'm going to turn on Friends and go to sleep.  Adios amigos!

1 comment:

  1. Hi my beautiful Michelle. Just wanted to tell you a few things about this blog you just updated. You are one of the strongest individuals who I have met in my life. Not only you overcame your mastectomy but you also graduated from college. You are now to an amazing professional career of nursing and I am happy to see how motivated you are to make your dream of becoming a nurse come true. I know you will get into your career. You have been the most supportive and loving girlfriend I only had in my life. I will do my best to help you reach your goals of finishing your master's program. I know you will get in to university. The same way you helped me to study for the English graduation requirement for Sac State, I want to do the same for you. You inspire me to do so much in my life and I want to share as much love and excitement with you forever. I will always be there for you in the good or bad times. I will always support you no matter what because the love I have for you is infinite. I have to say I could not have done it without your help to feel confident in doing my exam at Sac State. Thank you Michelle for being so supporting and caring. I pray and hope that you get all your letters of recommendations and transcripts accepted to the school you want to go. I also hope that your polar heart rate monitor keeps up with the awesome work outs you do daily. I can't wait to see what positive things will happen to you in 2014. Life just keeps getting better for you and I will be always be on your side when you reach your goals. Best of luck Michelle. I am always here to love you.

    Sincerely from my heart <3,
    Cesar D. Sarvide Chavez
