Thursday, March 14, 2013

A little procrastination to validate the blog name

Not that it needs to be validated, everyone who has ever met me probably knows I am a procrastinator, but I couldn't think of a clever title for this update lol.  So, no news about expansions obviously since I'm done with those.  I do have some random things to talk about relating to my expander, though.

First, I turned 23 a few days ago!  It wasn't really a milestone birthday, except that this is supposed to be my golden year.  In fact I was already supposed to have my crap together by now.  (Yes, Donna, I've always thought 23 was the golden age too.)  It seemed like plenty of time to have it all figured out.  Of course that hasn't happened, but I do feel like I'm getting there.  I'm just a little behind schedule.  But I still plan on making this a golden year.

For the weekend before my birthday I wanted to get some people together and go out and have fun and pretend I was turning 21.  I hadn't gone clubbing in a long time, and I was really excited.  I knew exactly what I wanted to wear - my black and gold and silver dress.  I never wear it.  I wore it to dinner on my 21st birthday, and I wore it clubbing in SB once.  Whenever I wear it I get compliments on it (all two times, haha).  I was excited to wear it with the slightly bigger boobage going on, and expected it to look great.

It was not looking great.

The problem is that the dress is flattering and pushes everything in.  Everything, that is, except the softball attached to my chest.  No matter what I did, I could not get my boobs to look even in that dress.  I tried different bras, different amounts of padding, blah blah.  It just wasn't working.  It was pretty depressing actually.  Reason #42 to hate my expander: it does not work with certain clothing.  (I just picked a random number, but I'm sure I could come up with at least that many reasons why it's annoying.)

I got over it, it wasn't the end of the world.  I had plenty of other outfits to choose from and I found something that worked so it's all good.  Despite not being able to get into one of the clubs because of their stupid dress code not allowing one guy's shoes, I had a blast.  I had my first Tokyo Tea (? is that what it was called?) and it was good!  Too good.  Thanks to Marissa, Nikko, Vi, and Nick for making it a great night.

My actual birthday was on Monday, and it was fun too.  I went to Wasabi with my parents and Jeffrey, and my mom and I did a sake bomb with the chef while Jeffrey did a soda bomb.  Good times.

Sorry my birthday story was so long, I still have another story to share.  Yesterday in my anatomy and physiology lab we were doing different breathing exercises.  One of them involved doing various things and then seeing how long you could hold your breath.  I was nominated for my group because I'm a swimmer and swimmers are notorious for being able to hold their breath longer than average.  One of the things was to work out vigorously for 2 minutes and then immediately hold your breath.  So I did jumping jacks, ran in place, did push ups, jumped around, more jumping jacks, etc.  For two minutes.  While my group watched.  It was fine at first but then suddenly I became very aware of my chest.  I felt like my left side was moving and my right side was not.  My left side was lower.  I wondered if they could tell.  I figured they probably weren't looking at my chest, and even if they were they probably didn't put that much thought into it.  But I did.  It wasn't a big deal, it was actually kinda funny.  It's just one of those things, sometimes things remind me that I don't have a normal chest like I used to.  I have never put so much thought into that area of my body as I have since this whole thing started.

I'm very open about this whole thing, as you all know.  I have no problem talking about it.  I just don't bring it up for no reason.  So, people who have met me after my mastectomy (like the people in my lab group) don't know about it because it's never come up.  It's not like I introduce myself as "Hi I'm Michelle, I only have one real boob."  It seems kinda pointless.  But there are times when I want to say it, just so they know. For instances such as yesterday when I wondered if they were paying attention to my chest.  If they had known about my mastectomy and expansions and stuff already, then it wouldn't have even crossed my mind.

Okay I really need to do my psyc homework and go to bed.  That's all for now.  Happy Pi Day!

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