Monday, February 25, 2013

Done expanding! Now waiting for the exchange.

I've been putting off blogging as usual, and I had a bunch of stuff I wanted to talk about but I'm not sure if I'm going to remember it all now.  We shall see.

So, my final volume is 350 cc.  My PS likes to overfill, and he recommends me getting a 300 cc implant, but he said that I can go with 350 if I want.  I need to decide what size I want since it's my decision, but I have time to figure it out.

Also, I'm not as certain about getting silicone as I was before.  I'm still definitely leaning toward it, but I found out that the saline implant is much softer than the saline expander.  So, if I did go with saline, it would not feel like a softball like I thought it would.  However, silicone is even softer and closer to natural, plus it doesn't ripple all the time like saline would.  There are advantages and disadvantages to both, I just need to decide which one is better for me overall.  I still think silicone.

At my last appointment I asked about the possibility of me doing the Alcatraz Sharkfest after my exchange surgery, thinking the race would be in late July and my exchange is planned for May 23.  He said no, that would not be enough recovery time.  However, he said that if the race were about a month later he would say it was okay.  I got home and looked up the dates of the different races in the series, and I realized my question didn't even matter as the Alcatraz race is in May.  I might have been able to swing that, except that I haven't swam in a long time, but the race is already sold out.  I did find one in Lake Tahoe in late August (I think the 25th), and it's only a mile as opposed to 1.5 miles.  It seems like a much more laid back swim than Alcatraz, and I think I can do it based on what my PS said.  I still have to ask him to make sure before I sign up, but I'm sure it'll be fine and I really want to do it.

The phantom itch/phantom pain continues, and I still wake up in the middle of the night almost every night, which is getting a little annoying.  I'm really looking forward to the exchange, only about 3 more months!

Oh and another thing, maybe TMI but not really considering the content of my blog.  It is really hard for me to shave my underarm on my right side!  Like impossible!  I can do it but it is not a simple task.  I'm hoping that will be easier after the exchange as well.

Okay that's all for now, there might have been more that I wanted to say but I have to run, going to spin class!  Oh that reminds me, I went skiing yesterday with my brother Chris, it was so much fun!  But now I'm really sore and my leg is killing me from my boot on that side being too tight.

Okie adios amigos, I'll be back to say what I forgot lol.  <3 p="">

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