Thursday, April 4, 2013

I'm SUCH a proctastinator

I really wish I wasn't a procrastinator.  I have a test in my psyc class tomorrow and I should really be studying for it but it's still only 4pm the day before.  So you know how it goes.  Don't worry, it's my easy class, all I have to do is skim over the 4 chapters that are covered on the test and I'll be fine.  I just wish I was already done with that.

ANYWHO, for those who don't know, my next surgery is scheduled for May 23!  I am so excited for that day to come.  I mean, I'm not looking forward to the actual surgery and recovery part of it, but I am looking forward to having "real" implants and breasts that are basically the same size.  That will be so nice.  It's less than two months away!  How is it already April?  Sheesh, time has got to stop flying so quickly.

In other news, I have been pretty good about working out at least a few times a week, and I definitely feel better because of it.  I'm pretty annoyed though.  I decided to invest in a somewhat cheap heart rate monitor/calorie counter so I could know how many calories I was burning when I did exercises outside of the gym with the machines that count calories for you.  I mean it wasn't super cheap, it was 50 bucks, but it was the cheapest one I saw.  I used it when I did insanity one day (with Vi, she motivates me to do it on most days when I would really rather not lol), and it said I burned almost 700 calories.  I believed it, because insanity is really an insane workout (hence the name).  Then the next day the workout felt a little easier, but still insane.  My calorie counter said I only burned like 300 something calories.  It didn't seem that much easier.  Then the next day was the recovery day, mostly with things like squats and lunges instead of all the jumping and stuff (but there was still some of that, too), and it said I only burned 99 calories!  I was like "this can't be right."  Then yesterday I went to spin class, and confirmed that it's a piece of crap.  The bike said I burned like 350 calories or whatever it was, and my watch monitor thing said 220.  That's a major difference.  So, I'm pretty bummed and I will be returning it.  Maybe I should have gone with the polar watch with the chest strap.  I didn't want to have to wear a chest strap but they're probably more accurate that way.  Anyone know anything about those?

Also, my boo Nicole is coming back to California in May!  For a whole week!  I wish it was for longer but I'm still so excited.  I miss her.

I also miss Santa Barbara.  I might maybe possibly make a trek down there for the Earth Day festival (Bill Nye is gonna be there!  Plus it's my favorite festival.)  And of course to party like a rockstar and stuff.  So I think all my lovely Santa Barbara friends who don't still live there should go there that weekend too and we can all have a reunion!  I'm still not sure if it's actually happening though so we shall see.

Okie I really have to study and do my homework so I can be done with it all before my insanity date with Vi, cuz then after that I have to watch American Idol.  Ooh, I wonder who is going to get voted off?  It's so tough, they're all so good.  Okay adios amigos :)

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