Thursday, October 22, 2009

Support Pepsi!

Last night, as I was...procrastinating and goofing around on the internet... I came across a rather disturbing website. It is a website rallying for the kind of support that makes me think we live in a nation of completely warped-minded people. It is a website instructing people to boycott PepsiCo for the sole reason that they support gay rights.

Now, although I am a very avid supporter of gay equality, I do understand that there are people with different views than me. I hate to be stereotypical, but these people tend to be religious and very strict about the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman. I am not bashing people with these beliefs. I understand where they are coming from and sometimes I have thought myself that they have a point about the marriage thing. I still wholeheartedly support gay marriage, but I kind of understand why some people don't.

However, I DO NOT see why people have such a problem with the gay lifestyle. They act as if simply being homosexual is immoral and should not be supported. It's almost like they truly believe that homosexuals choose to be homosexual and are trying to convert us heteros to the gay lifestyle. Silly, silly people.

Here are some (only some) of the ridiculous statements I found on the website against PepsiCo.

"AFA asked Pepsi to remain neutral in the culture war, but the company refused — choosing to support the homosexual activists. Pepsi has made no effort to hide their support for the homosexual agenda:"

Okay, this is the very first thing on the website, under a large header reading "Reasons for the boycott." They act as if Pepsi is being stubborn by "refusing" to "hide their support for the homosexual agenda." Like companies aren't allowed to support things, especially not something that everyone should support these days. Plus, gay agenda? They say it like gay people are on a mission for evil or something.

Moving right along.

"American Family Association asked PepsiCo to be neutral in the culture war and not support the homosexual agenda. PepsiCo refused. The company continues to give financial support to homosexual organizations. PepsiCo gave $500,000 to Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and another $500,000 to the Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). The total of $1,000,000 was used to help promote homosexuality in the workplace. HRC and PFLAG were major supporters of efforts to defeat Proposition 8 in California, which defined marriage as being between a man and a woman. HRC gave $2.3 million to the effort to defeat Prop 8."

Oh man, here we go. So the HRC and PFLAG promote homosexuality in the workplace, apparently. What exactly does that mean? Sounds to me like they're trying to turn everyone gay. Funny, that doesn't sound like something those campaigns are trying to acheive...

"PepsiCo requires all employees to attend sexual orientation and gender identity diversity training where they are taught to accept homosexuality."

Why, that's preposterous! How could PepsiCo do a thing like that? Try to promote equality? I mean, come on. Might as well throw out all your Pepsi now.

I'm going to go ahead and skip to my favorite one.

"PepsiCo, while promoting the homosexual agenda, refuses to give one penny to help those trapped in this destructive and unhealthy lifestyle."

Quick, we must rescue the gays from their chosen "destructive" lifestyles! They're ruining everyone else's lives, apparently!

Anyway, all sarcasm aside... I think I got the wrong message from the "Boycott PepsiCo" website. I have the sudden urge to go buy and drink as much Pepsi as I can, and I don't even drink soda. And when I do it's usally Coke. But yeah, Pepsi just got a bunch of points in my book.

If you want to see the other silly things the American Family Association has to say about Pepsi and Gay Rights:

Ta Ta for now.

Postscript. I said I got the "wrong" message from the website. What I mean by that is that I got their "unintended" message. By no means do I think this is the wrong message. :]

Friday, September 25, 2009

better days.

I'm feeling whimsical, so I thought I would post an update on stuff. Plus I'm bored.

As is probably evident from previous posts, I went through a slump a while back that lasted a few months. It actually started about a year ago and things continually got worse and worse until I was just plain depressed.

Anyway, enough of the depressing reminiscing. The point here is that I am no longer feeling so blue. In fact, life is great! Save for the fact that I'm screwed if I don't get into this physics class I'm crashing, things basically couldn't be better. I'm in the dorms again, this time with an awesome ocean view and a not insane living situation... And things have been running a lot more smoothly in general than what I'm used to.

Granted, the things of the past still carry on in my heart; some more than others. But all in all, I'm hanging in there just fine :] I'm keeping my hopes high that this year will continue to be a good one.

Oh, and since I'm here, I feel the need to share that I kinda sorta have a plan for my life. I am going to finally declare my major! Pre-bio! haha. I have been considering doing marine biology once I'm done with the pre-bio major.. my dad would be so proud! Plus, even if I don't end up being a marine biologist, I still have all those science classes that can provide me with a plethora of career options. Also, marine biology seems like it'd be a tad more interesting than biological sciences or something like that. Also, I plan to minor in Spanish if I have time. I really want to, I love Spanish!

As I sit here, eating my pudding cup, I can't help but realize I must be the biggest nerd in the world to be sitting in my room on a Friday night. What can I say, this is just how I do.

Well, ta ta for now :]

PS. Happy Birthday Donna! The big 2 0 !!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

why can't I cry?

I'm so sad right now,
The saddest I've been in a while.
But no tears have formed in days,
So I just put on a fake smile.
I pretend like everything is fine
And I'm happy as can be
But really...
I just
In a hole
Cry a

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME

Well, today I turn the big 19. Isn't that great?!?

Except, my boyfriend is pissed at me because he feels that I cheated on him and betrayed him. And he is upset that I am not taking what I did as a big deal. Of course, I can't stand when people cheat on their SO's. It's horrible. So why would I do such a thing and feel so nonchalant about it? Well, I don't feel nonchalant because my boyfriend, my love, my life does not, and I would never want to cheat on him or do anything to cause him such sadness. And yet I did... what's going on here?

Mmkay, here's what happened. It's New Years Eve. I'm not much of a drinker, but I was hanging out with my dear friend who I'll call Susie and we decided to have a few drinks. My boyfriend was working all night, so unfortunately I couldn't bring in the new year with him. Anyway, so Susie and I are like best friends, and since it was just her and I together to celebrate 2009, we ended up kissing each other. Just a couple pecks. I thought it was no big deal. I was ashamed that I had drank so much that night, but not so much that I kissed my best friend cuz I thought it was just harmless fun.

Here's the problem - he does NOT see it that way. In the beginning of our relationship we discussed what we considered cheating, and we came to the agreement that kissing someone else was cheating. Silly I thought that that implied kissing someone of the opposite sex, and that it didn't include best friends of the same sex. Another mistake I made was that I didn't tell him about it until tonight, 3 months after the incident. This I do feel very bad for, the reason I didn't tell him sooner was because I was ashamed that I drank after I said I wouldn't again. I know this is a stupid excuse, that there is no excuse for not telling him sooner and for keeping such a secret from him. But I honestly thought that if he was going to get mad, it would be about the drinking, not about the kissing. He is really upset for these reasons: that I kissed a girl, essentially cheating on him from his perspective, that I took so long to tell him about it, and that I don't feel that what I did (kissing a girl) was wrong.

I do not feel that me kissing my friend really counts as cheating on him. If I felt that way even a little bit back when this was going on, I would NOT have done it. I'm unsure of what I should think. I know that we said kissing someone else was cheating. Maybe that's it, and I shouldn't be allowed to have thought there were hidden details in our agreement on what constitutes cheating. I do feel HORRIBLE that what I did has hurt him so much. I do not want him to feel that I am untrustworthy and I want him to know that I will never do anything like that again now that I truly understand how hurtful he feels it is.

I guess I should have known that it would be considered cheating since we said kissing is cheating.

I dunno...

I feel horrible for the whole situation.

Happy birthday to me.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I'm giving up something for Lent. Something that I greatly cherish and I don't know if I'll be able to last, but we shall see.







Okay, so I dunno if I would say that I cherish procrastination. But it is definitely a time-sucker in my life. And I know I'm kind of procrastinating right now since I have a chem midterm and lab due tomorrow and I'm on here again. But this is just a quickie, so it doesn't count.

Now, I don't know if this is really an appropriate thing to give up. I don't know if it's supposed to be something tangible or something you do... but I guess procrastinating could be considered an activity. In reality, it's pretty much any activity that you shouldn't be doing because of something else that is more important... man, this is going to be HARD!

Well... wish me luck.

[Oh no! Does this mean no more Word Challenge?]

Sunday, February 22, 2009

friends make the world go 'round.

Sometimes you just need an ear.
Sometimes you just need a shoulder.
Sometimes you just need a hand.
Sometimes you just need an embrace.

Sometimes you just need a friend. <3

Saturday, February 21, 2009

A true art form.

I have so much to do in the next few days. A paper due Wednesday, a midterm on Wednesday and another one on Friday. I know I have to ace all of these examinations of my academic progress if I am going to procure my desired grades. And yet, here I am. Staring off into space, playing "Word Challenge" on Facebook, and now creating a new blog site. Why, you may ask, am I doing such worthless, time consuming activities instead of the important stuff?

The answer: because I am a procrastinator.

I always have been, and I'm starting to realize that I probably always will be. You'd think I would learn after years and years of stress-inducing dilly-dallying, but it appears I still haven't. The problem is, I always manage. I get my stuff done, and I get decent grades, so I figure - why do now what you can do later?

There's a flaw in the system, though. Although I manage to get by with my severe case of procrastination, I certainly could do better. If I had been working non-stop on my chemistry homework, I might have been done by now. Instead, I got frustrated after every problem that I didn't get right and resorted to other silly pass-times. Believe you me, I will get it done. But if I had it done by now, I could be working on my math homework or my women's studies paper. I just enjoy causing more problems for myself than are really necessary.

So, the moral of the story is, don't frolic in the fields when you should be doing something more productive.

"Procrastination is the thief of time." I forget who said this, but I think her name was Marie Dupont or something like that. Nevermind, I guess Edward Young said it. Anyways, I knew it was someone who said it.

-the Picasso of Procrastination